Friday 23 October 2015

Term 4 Parent Chromebook Training Underway!

Welcome back everyone, my name is Yayleen Hubbard and I am the new Manaiakalani Whanau Learning Kaiarahi,  I would firstly like to say a big  thank you to all the principals and support staff of our cluster  who have made my transition into the role an easy one, and also to the lovely Courtney Brown for showing me the way so I can continue to deliver a positive learning experience for our parents.
  Well I have been very busy over the first two weeks of the term training eager parents who have, even more eager children who want to take their chrome books home so they can continue their learning beyond the classroom. It is so wonderful getting to meet all you lovely parents & caregivers and being able to help you understand how our children are now learning in this digital world.
Lets keep this momentum going, when we as parents get interested and connected to our children's learning we are giving them a big hug of encouragement, and their is nothing more satisfying for us parents than to see our children thriving in their learning and ENJOYING IT!
Keep up the great work everyone.